Bash - My Findings â
đ Cheatsheet â
Scripting â
Variables & User Input â
# Variables
# Variable names are in uppercase, e.g. `NAME`, `FILE_PATH`.
# Variables don't have spaces around `=`
echo "Hello, $NAME" # Hello, john
# Concatenation
echo "I like ${SPORT}ball"
# User Input
read -p "Enter your name: " USERNAME
echo "Your name is $USERNAME"
# Reading multiple inputs
echo "Enter your name and age:"
echo "Your name is $NAME and you are $AGE years old"
# > John 25 => Your name is John and you are 25 years old
# > John => Your name is John and you are years old
# Hence, missing input won't throw an error
# Array
NAMES=(John Jane Doe)
echo "First Name: ${NAMES[0]}"
echo "All Names: ${NAMES[@]}"
Conditional Statements â
# Ensure spaces around `[` and `]`
# Ensure quotes around variable names
# You can use `==` or `=` for string comparison
if [ "$NAME" == "john" ]; then
echo "Hello, John"
# One liner if statement
[ "$NAME" == "john" ] && echo "Hello, John"
# If Else
if [ "$NAME" == "john" ]; then
echo "Hello, John"
echo "Hello, Stranger"
# On liner if else
[ "$NAME" == "john" ] && echo "Hello, John" || echo "Hello, Stranger"
# If Elif Else
if [ "$NAME" == "john" ]; then
echo "Hello, John"
elif [ "$NAME" == "jane" ]; then
echo "Hello, Jane"
echo "Hello, Stranger"
# On liner if elif else (đ¨ Not Recommended due to readability issues)
[ "$NAME" == "john" ] && echo "Hello, John" || [ "$NAME" == "jane" ] && echo "Hello, Jane" || echo "Hello, Stranger"
# Arithmetic Comparison
if [ "$AGE" -gt 18 ]; then
echo "You are an adult"
# Other operators: -eq, -ne, -lt, -le, -ge
Loops â
# For loop
NAMES="John Jane Doe"
for NAME in $NAMES; do
echo "Hello, $NAME"
# For loop on array/list
NAMES=(John Jane Doe)
for NAME in ${NAMES[@]}; do
echo "Hello, $NAME"
# For loop on array/list without variable
for NAME in John Jane Doe; do
echo "Hello, $NAME"
# For Loop on Range
for INDEX in {1..5}; do
echo "Number: $INDEX"
Functions â
# Function Declaration
function greet() {
echo "Hello, John"
# Function Call
# Function with Parameters
function greet() {
echo "Hello, $1"
greet John # Hello, John
# In function scope, $1, $2, ... are used to access parameters and not the positional parameters
# Function with default value & naming parameters
function greet() {
local name=$1 # Assign the first parameter to `name`
local greeting=${2:-"Hello"} # Assign the second parameter to `greeting` with default value "Hello"
echo "$greeting $name"
greet john # Hello john
greet john Hi # Hi john
Positional Parameters â
# $0 - Script Name
echo "Script Name: $0"
# $1, $2, $3, ... - Positional Parameters
echo "First Argument: $1"
echo "Second Argument: $2"
Piping & Redirection â
# Piping
ls | grep ".txt"
# Redirection
# > - Overwrite
# >> - Append
echo "Hello, World" > file.txt
echo "Hello, Again" >> file.txt
# Reading from file
# `wc` - Word Count
wc -w < file.txt
# Reading from file and writing to another file
cat file.txt > file2.txt
# Reading from file and appending to another file
cat file.txt >> file2.txt
# Read input until EOF (End of File)
# You can also use any other delimiter instead of EOF
# wc -w << done
wc -w << EOF
String Manipulation â
str="Hello, World"
# Length of the string
echo ${#str} # 12
# Convert first character to lowercase
echo ${string,} # hello, World
# Convert all to lowercase
echo ${string,,} # hello, world
# Update str variable for further examples
str="hello, World"
# Convert first character to uppercase
echo ${str^} # Hello, World
# Convert all to uppercase
echo ${str^^} # HELLO, WORLD
str="Hello, World"
# Indexing
# Get substring from index 1 to end
echo ${str:1} # ello, World
# Get substring from index 1 to 3 characters
echo ${str:7:3} # Wor
# Get substring from end
echo ${str:-1} # Hello, World
# Get substring from end of length 1
echo ${str: -1} # d
# Get substring from end of length 5
echo ${str: -5} # World
# From start, Replace shortest match
echo ${str#*l} # lo, World
# From start, Replace longest match
echo ${str##*l} # d
# From end, Replace shortest match
echo ${str%l*} # Hello, Wor
# From end, Replace longest match
echo ${str%%l*} # He
# Find and Replace
echo ${str/World/John} # Hello, John
echo ${str/l/L} # HeLlo, World
# Multiple Find and Replace
echo ${str//l/L} # HeLLo, WorLd
# Remove match single
echo ${str/l} # Helo, World
# Remove match all
echo ${str//l} # Heo, Word
Testing File Conditions â
# Check if directory exist
if [ -d ~/Downloads ]; then
echo "Directory exists"
echo "Directory doesn't exist"
# Check if file exists
if [ -f ~/Downloads/file.txt ]; then
echo "File exists"
echo "File doesn't exist"
đ Snippets â
Utility Functions â
function start_spinner() {
# Create a spinner graphic
while : ; do
printf "\b%s" "${SPINNER:i++%${#SPINNER}:1}"
sleep 0.1
done &
# Save spinner process ID to kill it later
trap 'stop_spinner; exit;' SIGINT # âšī¸ Stop the spinner when the script is interrupted
function stop_spinner() {
# Kill the spinner
# Clear the spinner characters
printf "\b \n"
# Usage: redirect_output_to_file "path/to/log/file.log"
function redirect_output_to_file() {
local LOG_FILE_PATH=$1
exec 3>&1 4>&2 # Save the original file descriptors
exec > "$LOG_FILE_PATH" 2>&1 # Redirect stdout and stderr to the log file
function reset_output_redirection() {
exec 1>&3 2>&4
function blank_lines() {
local COUNT=$1
for ((i=0; i<COUNT; i++)); do
echo ""
function with_blank_lines() {
local VARIANT=$1
local MSG=$2
local BLANK_LINES_COUNT=${3:-1} # Default to 1 blank line
[ "$VARIANT" == "t" ] && blank_lines $BLANK_LINES_COUNT && echo $MSG
[ "$VARIANT" == "b" ] && echo $MSG && blank_lines $BLANK_LINES_COUNT
[ "$VARIANT" == "tb" ] && blank_lines $BLANK_LINES_COUNT && echo $MSG && blank_lines $BLANK_LINES_COUNT
function banner() {
local LABEL=$1
local LEVEL=$2
if [ "$LEVEL" -eq 1 ]; then
msg="# $LABEL #"
edge=$(echo "$msg" | sed 's/./#/g')
blank_lines 2
echo "####################################"
echo "# --- $LABEL"
echo "####################################"
echo ""
elif [ "$LEVEL" -eq 2 ]; then
echo ""
echo "#"
echo "# --- $LABEL"
echo "#"
echo ""
elif [ "$LEVEL" -eq 3 ]; then
echo ""
echo "# --- $LABEL"
echo ""
echo "đ¨ ERROR: Invalid level"
exit 1
Redirect output to file and resetting back with spinner â
# đ¨ We'll be using utility function from the snippets section
LOG_FILE_PATH=$(pwd)/exec-$(date +%H_%M_%S).log
redirect_output_to_file $LOG_FILE_PATH
echo "Going for sleep" # This will be written to the log file
sleep 2
echo "Done sleeping" # This will be written to the log file
# â Order of the following two commands is important
reset_output_redirection # From now on, all output will be printed to the terminal
# Once we reset the stdout and stderr, allow stop_spinner to remove the spinner graphic from the terminal
echo "This'll be printed to the terminal"