How to handle file uploads in FastAPI
First of all, Start with utility function to save file to disk.
import os
from secrets import token_hex
from pathlib import Path
from fastapi import UploadFile
async def save_file_to_disk(file: UploadFile, path: str | Path) -> Path:
# convert received `path` to `Path` object
_path = Path(path)
# create directory if not exists
os.makedirs(_path, exist_ok=True)
# generate unique file name
new_file_name = token_hex(16) + Path(file.filename).suffix
# Create file path for new file
file_path = _path / new_file_name
# Save file in chunks asynchronously
with open(file_path, "wb") as buffer:
async for chunk in file:
return file_path
Next, Let's create a dependency that validates the file type. This dependency will be accept a list of allowed file types and raise an exception if the file type is not in the list.
from fastapi import HTTPException, UploadFile, Depends
class FileValidator:
def __init__(self, allowed_types: list[str]):
self.allowed_types = allowed_types
async def __call__(self, file: UploadFile = File(...)):
if file.content_type not in self.allowed_types:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid file type")
return file
# Dependency instances for different file types
img_validator = FileValidator(["image/jpeg", "image/png"])
pdf_validator = FileValidator(["application/pdf"])
Finally, Let's use this validator in our path operation:
from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile, Depends
from .deps import img_validator
from .utils import save_file_to_disk
app = FastAPI()"/upload/images/")
async def upload_images(files: list[UploadFile] = Depends(img_validator)):
# Create a list of tasks to save files to disk asynchronously
upload_tasks = [save_file_to_disk(f) for f in files]
# Wait for all tasks to complete
file_paths = await asyncio.gather(*upload_tasks)
# Return file paths
return {"file_paths": file_paths}
In addition to this you can also add file size validation, file name validation, etc as per your requirements using dependencies.